
Impact Of Trade Agreements On Forex Trading


The Forex market is one of the most liquid and actively traded financial markets. There are a lot of reasons behind its popularity, but it's impossible to argue that the volatility of currency exchange rates is one of them. As commonly known, the value of currencies can be easily affected by a number of different factors: geopolitical events, economic instabilities, social media trends, etc.


Forex Currency Pair Nicknames


The world of Forex trading is full of complex terminology, and currency pairs are no exception. While most traders are familiar with the standard currency pair names, there are a handful of secret nicknames that have been used in the industry for years. These nicknames have their origins in different contexts, such as historical events, national symbols, or even animal references.

This article will explore the stories behind the nicknames of some of the world’s most popular currency pairs.


How to Make a Cryptocurrency Trading Plan


With each passing day, more and more traders join in on cryptocurrency trading. It’s unsurprising, considering the cryptocurrency market has been rapidly expanding for over a decade. Traders see a lot of earning potential in cryptocurrencies, which is why this market is so popular right now.

However, over the years, cryptocurrencies have gained a reputation as one of the riskiest financial instruments to invest in. Many traders lose their funds in the crypto market. But while their losses can be attributed to the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies, it’s worth mentioning that many traders fail to prepare for trading cryptocurrencies or stick to their trading plan.

A trading plan is a crucial element of a trader’s success. Without it, it’s impossible to achieve long-term profitability. In this article, you’ll learn why cryptocurrency trading plans are important and how to make a trading plan on your own.


Five Forex Market Themes To Watch In 2023

cover (1).pngThe past few years have turned the whole world upside down. The Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit, social tensions, government changes in the world's leading countries, new sanctions, the unrelenting war in Ukraine, and the China-Taiwan conflict – hit the global economy. So, as we're living through these unpredictable times, it is essential to stay mindful of the key themes that can affect the macro economy, including your Forex trading in 2023.


Trader Discipline Importance In Cryptocurrency

cover.pngCryptocurrency trading is gaining popularity around the globe. The sharp rises of cryptocurrencies leading to high profits inspire people to invest in these assets. However, due to cognitive distortions, the human brain may downplay negative information against the positive background, which means that traders often forget about many complications, rapid falls, and significant losses arising from cryptocurrency trading. How to keep riding the wave of success and taking a punch? Yes, it would be best if you instilled discipline in yourself. Let's talk about it!


Books for Forex Traders in 2023!


Just like a woodsman has to always keep his ax sharp, so do Forex traders who need to work on improving their trading skills. Learning is the most straightforward way to becoming a successful Forex trader. There are countless educational materials about trading both online and offline, but finding reliable and informative resources is often challenging. So in this article, we'll focus on the best books for traders and learn why reading books is still relevant to traders.


Margin Call: What It Is & How to Avoid It


You have probably heard about an unpleasant surprise to traders: a margin call. And we hope you do not know how bad it might be for your money.

A margin call is a broker’s demand for a trader to increase their margin account’s value to a minimum balance set by a broker. Unfortunately, some who trade on margin have no clue about the related risks.

But as ominous-sounding as a margin call may be, the fear of it did not keep hungry traders from leveraging their portfolios. So let’s try to simplify this term that causes troubles to traders’ accounts and figure out what a margin call is and how to avoid one. Because forewarned is forearmed.


How to Short Sell. Pros and Cons of Short Selling


What is short selling?

Put simply, short selling is when an investor borrows securities and sells them hoping to repurchase them at a lower price in the future, thus making a profit. This is what short selling is in a nutshell.

However, one must not oversimplify this investment strategy, as short selling not only comes with opportunities for significant profits – it also implies grave risks. Combined with several cons you might want to know about, short selling is an activity not to be taken lightly.


Portfolio Diversification: What Benefits Can a Forex Trader Get by Using it?


Collect as many eggs as you can, and don't put them all in one basket – a fundamental principle of a wise trader. Trading is a big road where you can face sharp turns and bumps. That's why traders should learn more about different strategies and methods to protect themselves and mitigate the risks.

This paper will discuss the importance of diversification in Forex trading, teach you how to diversify your trading portfolio, and answer some popular questions.


To Become a Great Trader, You Must Avoid These 18 Trading Mistakes


Have you ever wondered what helped all those professionals of Wall Street become successful? You will be surprised, but the key to their reached heights is hidden in their mistakes. Yes, that is right. Most professional and successful traders made many mistakes before they got to the top.

Making mistakes is ordinary and sometimes even necessary because it helps you learn. The crucial point of this idea is never to repeat those mistakes because some errors may cost us a fortune. That is why we gathered the 18 most common trading mistakes to avoid, which will hopefully prevent you from suffering losses.

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